Circulation Policy |
This policy defines who is eligible to borrow library resources, what may be borrowed, and how many materials can be borrowed at any one time. It is subject to the general Loans Policy of the library.
Circulation Basics
Resources belonging to this collection may be removed from the library for a 3-DAYperiod only.
See Loans Policy.
Newspapers are to be used in the library only.
AV Material
Anatomical Models/Realia
This resource type generally facilitates lectures, tutorials and test preparation. Students and faculty may check them out of the library and return them by the end of the loan period.
This resource type generally facilitates students, and may be checked out of the library and returned by the end of the loan period.
Currently, the TSOM Library lends laptops in emergency situations only to Trinity students, faculty or staff. They are available on a first-come basis. The laptops are not to be taken from mainland St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
Loan Period
Fines and Liability
I have read the laptop loan policy. The equipment is in good working order. By signing below, I agree to the terms and conditions set out.
Date: ____________________________________
I will return the ____ laptop to a library staff member in the Library Office during opening hours half an hour before closing on the day it is due.
Name & / Term (Print): ________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
DATE DUE:_________________________________________________________
Library resources will be placed ‘On Reserve’ when:
A resource may be renewed as often as needed provided:
Overdue Loans
Damaged or Lost Items
If after having paid a replacement charge for an item, a patron locates and returns the item in an acceptable condition within 90 days of payment, the replacement charges will be refunded.
Waiving Fines and Penalties
Fines and/or penalties may be waived under the following circumstances:
This policy defines who is eligible to borrow library resources, what may be borrowed, and how many materials can be borrowed at any one time. It is subject to the general Loans Policy of the library.
Circulation Basics
- Resources may only be removed from the library after the material has been properly issued to the borrower by library staff.
- Resources returned to the library must be handed to a library staff member who will ensure that the loan is cancelled. After hours, resources must not be left outside the Office Door or left in the Study areas of the library. This applies to internal loans as well.
- Borrowers are responsible for the resources loaned to them, and must stand the cost of replacing items which are lost or seriously damaged while issued to them.
- Reminder and Overdue notices will be sent via e-mail as a courtesy. Patrons are required to keep their e-mail addresses current, and should not reply to notices. They are provided for informational purposes only.
- Failure to receive notices will not negate patron responsibility.
Resources belonging to this collection may be removed from the library for a 3-DAYperiod only.
See Loans Policy.
Newspapers are to be used in the library only.
AV Material
- Resources in this collection include CDs and DVDs.
- These types of materials may be checked out of the library by certain categories of borrowers only, that is, Pre-med, medical students and faculty.
- The standard loan period is 21 days.
Anatomical Models/Realia
- These resources generally facilitate lectures and tutorials. Students and faculty may check them out of the library and return them by the end of the loan period.
This resource type generally facilitates lectures, tutorials and test preparation. Students and faculty may check them out of the library and return them by the end of the loan period.
This resource type generally facilitates students, and may be checked out of the library and returned by the end of the loan period.
Currently, the TSOM Library lends laptops in emergency situations only to Trinity students, faculty or staff. They are available on a first-come basis. The laptops are not to be taken from mainland St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
- Present your current Trinity School of Medicine ID to a library staff member.
- Verify that the equipment is in good working order.
- Sign the Laptop Loan Agreement.
- Check the battery level while you are using the laptop. Laptops may not always be fully charged upon checkout.
- Sage your work to your USB portable storage device or attach your work to an e-mail. Do not save anything to the Hard drive (C Drive).
- Shut down the laptop before it is returned to the Library Office.
- The equipment is to be returned to a library staff member in the Library Office during opening hours half an hour before closing on the day it is due
Loan Period
- The loan period is as agreed with library staff, but not to exceed four (4) weeks.
Fines and Liability
- The equipment will be checked to ensure proper working order at the beginning and ending of a loan period.
- Failure to return the laptop within the agreed loan period will incur an overdue fine, charged at a rate of EC $30 per day, or any part thereof. Overdue accounts must be settled within 7 days. See 'Overdue Loans'.
- The borrower's responsibility includes liability for any damage, loss or theft.
- Damage/loss of laptops and or peripherals (e.g. power supply, cord, cables, drives, battery, hard drive and woreless card) will result in full repair or replacement costs. Any damage to the equipment will be noted and the borrower billed accordingly.
- The replacement fee for a damaged or stolen laptop is EC $5,500.
- Abuse of terms and conditions may result in suspension of privileges.
- The Trinity School of Medicine and the TSOM Library is not responsible for damage to personal storage devices, or for the loss of any data for any reason during or after the loan period.
- Do not leave the library laptop unattended at any time.
- Do not loan a checked out laptop to any other user. The borrower will be held responsible.
- Do not attach other hardware to a laptop, do not install your own software and do not change any system setting.
I have read the laptop loan policy. The equipment is in good working order. By signing below, I agree to the terms and conditions set out.
Date: ____________________________________
I will return the ____ laptop to a library staff member in the Library Office during opening hours half an hour before closing on the day it is due.
Name & / Term (Print): ________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
DATE DUE:_________________________________________________________
Library resources will be placed ‘On Reserve’ when:
- There is only one available copy of the item, and more than one reservation placed on it,
- A faculty member requests that an item is placed ‘On Reserve’, OR
- A library staff member deems it necessary due to demand and/or other factors. A loan period of 3 or 7 days will be set by Library Staff.
A resource may be renewed as often as needed provided:
- The item is not ‘On Reserve’.
- There are no reservations on it.
- A patron has no outstanding fines or items overdue.
- After the first 7 days of a loan period, a resource may be recalled.
- Recall policies apply to all categories of users and are in effect all year long, including breaks, sabbaticals, vacations, etc.
- In the event that an item on loan is to be recalled, the library sends a recall notice via e-mail.
- Users will be allowed 24 hours or 1 business day to return a recalled item.
- Users are required to return the item by the date and time stated on the recall notice or users will be assessed a fine of EC $3.00 per item per day, and (in the first instance) denied borrowing and reserving privileges until the matter is resolved.
Overdue Loans
- Books and other items become overdue if they are not returned to Library staff by the close of the Library Office on the day on which they are due, or at the end of the specified time period in the case of 'Library Use Only' items.
- Borrowing and reservation privileges will be suspended as soon as library materials become overdue, and will be reinstated once the material has been returned to the library and the fine(s) paid or the patron account settled.
- The library will send Reminder notices via e-mail on the day before the materials are due. It is to be understood that Reminder notices are a courtesy only, and failure to receive a Reminder notice does not discharge a borrower from his/her responsibility to return library materials on time, or from the resulting consequences.
- Overdue loans are subject to fines or penalties. A fine of EC $1.00 per item per day will be charged on all items except Equipment, Reference, Realia, Library Use Only and A/V materials, which will be charged at the rate of EC $5.00 per item per day. Overdue laptops will be charged at a rate of EC $30.00 per day, or any part thereof.
- If after 7 days a delinquent student borrower has not settled his/her library account, the matter will be referred to the Associate Dean of Students for further action. Penalties will continue to accrue until the resource(s) is/are returned.
- If the student's account is not settled by the next APC Meeting, then the matter will be raised by the Associate Dean of Students or designee at the APC Meeting as a non-cognitive issue. Withholding of grades may result.
Damaged or Lost Items
- Items lost or damaged while on loan to a user should be reported immediately.
- Borrowers must stand the cost of replacing lost or seriously damaged resources.
- No attempt should be made to repair damaged items.
- Damage should be reported to the library staff who will do the necessary repairs with materials especially designed for the purpose.
If after having paid a replacement charge for an item, a patron locates and returns the item in an acceptable condition within 90 days of payment, the replacement charges will be refunded.
Waiving Fines and Penalties
Fines and/or penalties may be waived under the following circumstances:
- An inadvertent error on the part of the library.
- Unexpected library closure.
- A natural disaster (fire, flood, earthquake, etc.)